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Sacred Rage Workshop



This workshop is a very deep container for participants to be safely guided to connect to one of the most challenging emotions.... Sacred Rage

Only when we get to safely feel all that is can we have a chance to move past and through it. This is where healing happens

Throughout the day participants are guided through various embodiment practices, meditations and rituals and ceremonies to safely connect to -, express -, and release any rage that is stored in our bodies so we can find deep peace. 

This is a deep and therapeutic space that combines different psychotherapeutic modalities alongside eastern and shamanic practices. 

Its a full day workshop running from 10am until 6pm and takes place in West Cork. Costs are 100 Euro per person and the workshop is limited to a maximum of 10 participants.

These workshops are offered for women and men separately. Please get in touch to find out the next upcoming dates. 

Let’s Work Together

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