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In Psychotherapy, the therapist and the client engage into a therapeutic relationship with each other, which helps the client to feel safe and trusting enough, to embrace, name, un-pack and understand the difficulties or challenges they are facing. The therapist helps and supports the client in understanding the underlying stories, wounds and conditionings of the past that contribute to the current challenges and helps to find and develop safer and more serving coping strategies and behaviours. This leads to more self-compassion, self-trust and healing over time. 

Psychotherapy is offered for wide range of challenges and problems such as

- Depression

- Anxiety

- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

- Any form of trauma (sexual, physical, emotional)

- Eating Disorders

- Addictions

- Burn out & Life stress

- Bipolar disorder / Psychosis 

- Grief 

- Difficult Life Situations 

Psychotherapy sessions last 60 minutes and cost 90 Euro per session and are offered in-person and online. Psychotherapy sessions are most beneficial when regular (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) over a longer period of time. 

More about Psychotherapy

Engaging in Psychotherapy is a deeply rewarding process. It gives us a dedicated safe space, where we are fully heard and seen and guided and supported throughout any challenges of our past, present or future life. 

In our society a lot of stigma is attached to the concept of going to Psychotherapy and for many it can feel like a taboo or even a "failure" when they start seeking therapy.

However, seeking professional help when we are in deep pain or struggling with life is not a sign of weakness, the opposite is the case, its a sign of great courage, strength and self-compassion. 


In therapy we look at the present stories and life challenges with great compassion and care. It often becomes clear that our current life struggles have their origins and root causes in deep seated pain and unresolved (or even unacknowledged) trauma from our childhood. Therapy helps to bring more understanding to these processes and psychodynamics and helps us heal old wounds from the past and release us from the need of survival and coping mechanisms that no longer serve us as adults (and may bring their own problems and struggles). 


To book an appointment please contact Lisa 

00353 (0)87 6705234

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